This festive season...
In the heart of Edinburgh’s Old Town, on the 7th floor of Market Street hotel, you will find our rooftop champagne lounge, Nor’ Loft, nestled in the skyline.
We believe that you needn’t wait for a special occasion to drink champagne however, the festive season is synonymous with bubbles and celebrations so if there’s ever a time, it’s now!
Winter Small Plates Menu
grazers galore
Our seasonal dishes are created with sharing in mind, the perfect accompaniment to a chilled glass of Champagne. Incorporating classic flavours, contemporary imagination and the finest ingredients from Scotland’s natural larder. Our bites are beautifully composed and sure to catch the eye of the avid foodie and budding Instagram influencer alike.
Our winter bites menu is available from the 13th of November. Please note, our kitchen will be offering a reduced snacks menu on the 25th December.
Festive Afternoon Tea
a twist on traditional
Ditch the cucumber sandwiches and victoria sponge and instead indulge in seasonal sausage rolls, tartlets and babka followed by mulled wine & pistachio battenberg cake, coconut & mango snowballs and mince pie scones paired with locally roasted Gordon Street Coffee or Canton Loose Leaf Teas.
Our Festive Afternoon Tea is £65 for two and is available between 12pm - 5:30pm Sunday to Friday and Saturday 12pm – 4pm.
Unfortunately, we cannot cater to dietary requirements within this experience. Please note, advance booking is required and payment is required must be made 24 hours prior to secure your booking.
Festive Gatherings
sparkling decor, bubbles and seasonal nibbles
Whether it’s a family occasion, office get together or an annual outing with friends, we offer carefully curated packages bespoke to you.
Our friendly team are thrilled to welcome group bookings of 8-35 people to Nor' Loft for festive gatherings. A non-refundable deposit of £10 per head will be taken which will be fully redeemable against your final bill. For bookings of less than 8 please visit our reservations page.
For more information, please fill out the festive contact form below and one of our friendly faces will be in touch shortly.
Thank you for submitting your enquiry. A member of our team will be in touch within 72 hours.
Gift Vouchers
Give the gift of an experience
Allow them to carve their own path with a monetary voucher that can be used towards an overnight stay or drinks and nibbles in Nor’ Loft.